Community Problem Report

Community Problem Report

Idaly Hernandez

The University of Texas at El Paso

English 1311

October 28, 2011

Professor Jorge Gomez


This important illegal immigration debate is hurting the United States in many ways. Because of the controversial laws that have been passed in the nation by the government in Arizona and Alabama illegals lose their rights to have an education and to be free in the streets. If officials’ suspect of a person of its illegal status they deport them. And the deportation process is being more rapid. The US government is having the border between Mexico with more border patrols and more security to protect the entry of any illegal alien. Illegals have limited rights and they can’t do anything about it. This controversial issue is very important in the USA. Since Obama took charge more and more undocumented people are being taken back to their countries


            The subject of illegal immigration in the United States is very controversial. One million legal and illegal immigrants take up residence in the United States each year. About 12 million undocumented people are calculated by researchers living in the US. Hispanic people make up the largest share of the undocumented population. The government in the United States has provided a lot of laws and bills against immigrants living in the United States. These laws get tougher and a lot of border patrol security increases in the border between Mexico and the US. An important thing is that Illegal immigrants are being denied in not having the same rights as American citizens and many illegals residing in the US are being deported back to their countries. Recent debates on immigration called for increasing enforcement of existing laws to illegal immigration in the USA.

Arizona and Alabama illegal immigration Law

The governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer passed a law (SB 1070) in 2010. This law enforcement is one of the toughest bills in the Nation. Its aim is to prosecute and deport illegal immigrants back to their countries. The cops check a person's immigration status during traffic stops, detentions and arrest. Opponents have called it an open invitation for harassment and discrimination against Hispanics regardless of their citizenship status. Arizona is the first state to demand that immigrants meet federal requirements to carry identity documents. Another State that has passed a similar law to the Arizona one is Alabama. The Alabama enforcement law called HB 56 passed by the legislature in 2011.This law requires public schools to check students’ immigration status. Given its “chilling effect” on school attendance, the Alabama law likewise “constructively forecloses” undocumented children from those same opportunities.(Salomone, 2011). But supporters of the law say that Alabama is simply following by demands from Congress that states help capture illegal immigrants.

Deportation aliens back to their countries

             The U.S. government deports hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to Mexico each year, and the majority of them are dropped just across the border. The deportation against illegal immigrants has increase in recent years. Janet Napolitano alluded a few weeks ago, 55 percent of the deported immigrants about 216,700 people had criminal convictions (felonies or misdemeanors). Overall, the number of criminals deported has increased 89 percent since 2008. (Department of Homeland Security Secretary). According to Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) 87,547 had been convicted of homicide, sexual offenses, and drug related crimes or driving under the influence. With the Alabama and Arizona law the deportation process is in most cases quite rapid. ICE should focus its prosecutions on illegal immigrants who had criminal records.

Undocumented people and Human rights

            Many illegal immigrants face discrimination and bad treatment from the US government, due to the fact that they live in the USA illegally and they don’t have the same human rights as a born American. While many argue that "We the People of the United States," refers only to legal citizens, the Supreme Court has disagreed. While illegal aliens do not enjoy all of the rights given to citizens, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies.  Since the 9-11 terrorist attacks the United states has given certain rights to illegal people residing in the country. Many aliens live in the USA with fear to go out of their houses, or live with fear to go to the police and declare an abuse done to them. They are being treated differently and their rights are minimum to the USA citizens.


            Undocumented people have a lot of advantages and disadvantages in the USA. But the government doesn’t see the “good side” of having illegals in this country. The USA government has enforced the laws against aliens and has put more security in the border so that way he can control immigration. The Arizona and Alabama Law debate in weather they are unconstitutional. These laws are making ICE and officials easier to capture illegal people and take them back to their country. Deportation has been more easily lately and ICE has captured hundreds of illegals. Undocumented people don’t have the same rights as American citizens and are being treated and abused by the government, which they can’t do anything to declare because simply they are illegal. The United States should address and change the laws, and they should handle the illegal immigration process differently.